Ehow 或者 Herbert 赫伯特 德国 著名或辉煌的战士。
一、男孩子中文名是yi(最后一声)hao(第二声) ,想起个跟中文名谐音的英文名...
Herbert 赫伯特 德国 著名或辉煌的战士。
Herman 赫尔曼 德国 军人;男子汉。
Master Supply Agreement (MSA)——供应协议/合同
我也在翻译,在ehow找到了个英文定义,简单来说,一个供应商给你一个螺丝,就跟你定一个supply agreement,即供应协议,如果供应商给你其他如螺帽、钉子等很多型号的零件,那么一个一个签供应协议不是很费时间吗?所以就索性弄成一个整合的agreement,这就是MSA。
A master supply agreement is a contract between two parties consolidating two or more agreements into one harmonized agreement. As an example, a supplier may have an agreement that provides parts. The same supplier may have a separate agreement to provide another good or service to same company. If the two agreements are combined, it is termed a master supply agreement.
三、跪求十条西餐礼仪 要英文的 谢谢
Step 1
Follow the host's lead to determine when to eat after being served. When the host eats or gives the guests permission, you can eat.
Step 2
Hold your utensils properly. The fork goes in the left hand with the tines pointing down, and the knife goes in the right hand.
Step 3
Hold a soup spoon in your right hand and scoop the soup away from you. You can also tip the bowl away from you.
Step 4
Hold stemware by the stem rather than by the glass.
Step 5
Keep your elbows off the table.
Step 6
Butter a piece of bread that you have broken off from a roll rather than buttering the whole roll at one time. Do not cut the bread with your knife. Bread can be used to absorb gravy or sauce, but it must be on the end of a fork, not held.
Step 7
Bring the food to you rather than leaning forward toward the food. Always maintain an upright posture at the table.
Step 8
Avoid opening your mouth while chewing, as well as talking with food in your mouth. Finish chewing and swallow before taking a drink or another bite.
Step 9
Avoid reaching over another person's plate for a serving dish.
Step 10
Ask for dishes to be passed to you if they are not directly in front of you. If you are asked to pass something, always pass to the right unless the person is to your immediate left. If the dish you are passing has a handle, pass the dish so as to offer the handle to the recipient.